Milliman Health ClaimsRef
The challenge
Inconsistent claims processing increases cost and risk
The solution
Use rules-based technology to improve claims processing accuracy
Supporting insurers, reinsurers and system integrators
How Health ClaimsRef can help
For system integrators
Optimize rules-based automation
Milliman Health ClaimsRef benefits
Milliman Health ClaimsRef features
Related insight
Opportunities for cost savings—healthcare claims management in India
With an urgent need to bring cost inflation into a sustainable range, we examine best practices in reducing spending, while maintaining or improving patient outcomes.
Four levers of controlling health claim costs
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it has become all the more important for insurers to manage their claims and expenses.
Changing gears for changing times: Population health analytics and India's health insurance industry
Sophisticated population health analytics enable insurers to make smarter and more informed decisions on financial trend drivers, and can help medical management departments by more effectively allocating disease and care management resources.